Hello, and welcome to my blog. I founded Ebenezer Hill Gardens in 2004 to make custom-grown transplants, unusual perennials, herb plants and useful gardening knowledge from the organic viewpoint available to the Central New York area. All my products are sustainably grown and come to you with my personal pledge to give you everything you need to be successful in your gardening efforts.

Friday, December 31, 2004

Tomato trials of 2004

It was a bad year for tomatoes in Central New York. Too wet, too cool, too much of everything except sunlight. Many, many plants set a lot of fruit early in the season and then waited for two solid months before ripening anything. We started with stocky, well-grown transplants and ended with generally ho-hum yields of nevertheless spectacular fruit. Let's hope 2005 is both drier and warmer and our transplants will surely be the star performers they have always been!

We are planning to have the following varieties of tomatoes available as transplants around the end of May:

Cosmonaut Volkov
Gilbertie Paste
Tiny Tim
Aunt Ruby's German Green
Green Zebra
Green Grape
Cherokee Purple
Rose de Berne
Wisconsin 55
Yellow Pear

... and others as suggested by our customers. Is there a favorite open-pollinated or heirloom variety you will let me grow for you? Please Email your suggestions to dhughes45961@usadatanet.net
We will also be offering 7 varieties of basil, rosemary, thyme and other culinary and medicinal herbs.

We specialize in blue for the garden and several new perennials will be ready for offer this summer. Among the varieties that are currently overwintering in the Gardens are:

Lobelia siphilitica Great lobelia
Salvia azurea Azure sage
Salvia sclarea Clary sage (biennial)
Nepeta transcaucasus Catmint "Blue Infinity"
Verbena officinalis Blue vervain

Our latest newsletter is in production. For a free copy by mail, send a message to dhughes45961@usadatanet.net.


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